“Grant Thornton Bharat is excited to launch GTaxKosh, our comprehensive guide to Goods and Services Tax (GST). The app is a one-stop solution for all your GST requirements. It is a platform for all the latest GST provisions, judicial pronouncements, advance rulings and will also keep you updated on GST news. The App also provides access to all our expertise documents interalia including our monthly GST Compendium, Tax alerts, webinar recordings amongst others. The upcoming webinars where our experts share their views and thoughts can also be accessed through the application. GTaxKosh has a facility for online chat with our experts. Additionally, it allows you to set up personalised meetings with our experts by locating nearby offices through maps. Using the application, you can easily get in touch with us for discussing or analysing any critical GST issues. It is a comprehensible application where you can search, download, bookmark and share the documents with other users. The documents saved through bookmarks allows the reader to have a personal reading list of saved documents. Additionally, the archive folder provides access to old documents arranged year-wise. The application gives a notification once new content is uploaded and the same can be viewed at your convenience. You can also share the content available on the application to others via WhatsApp, email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube etc. We welcome your suggestions and feedback by rating us and providing necessary comments for further improvement.”